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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn International Trade Lawyers in Vietnam. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 2, 2021

What Are Responsibilities of the Seller for Inadequate Delivery of Goods?

Delivering and receiving goods are basic obligations of the parties when performing the Contract for purchase and sale of goods. Specifically, in accordance with the law, when buying and selling goods, the seller must deliver goods and relevant documents, as agreed in contracts on quantity, quality, packing and preservation modes and other contractual terms.


In cases where there is no specific agreement, the seller is obliged to deliver goods and relevant documents according to the provisions of the Law on Commerce. At the same time, the Buyer is obliged to receive the goods as agreed and perform reasonable actions to help the seller deliver the goods.

If the Seller fails to deliver insufficient goods, they must deliver the goods in accordance with the contract. In case the Seller fails to deliver the goods as agreed, the Buyer has the right to purchase the goods from another person for replacement according to the goods specified in the contract and the Seller must pay the difference and relevant expenses, if any; reserves the right to repair the defect of the goods by itself and the Seller shall pay actual and reasonable expenses for the rectification.

The Buyer has the right to request to apply for penalty if agreed in the contract. The penalty for a breach of a contractual obligation or the aggregate fine level for more than one breach shall be agreed upon in the contract by the parties but must not exceed 8% of the value of the breached contractual obligation portion.

In the contract, where a contract-breaching party delays making payment for goods or payment of service charges and other reasonable fees, the aggrieved party may claim an interest on such delayed payment at the average interest rate applicable to overdue debts in the market at the time of payment for the delayed period, unless otherwise agreed or provided for by law.

Thus, when the Seller fails to comply with the commitments as in the contract, the Buyer has the right to initiate a lawsuit requesting a court to force the Seller to return the received amount of goods equivalent for the goods not yet delivered, interest due to late payment, contract fines, compensation for damage as required. In case the parties do not agree to penalty for violation, the Buyer only has the right to claim damages. In case the parties agree to fine for violation, the Buyer has the right to apply both the sanction of the violation and the forced compensation for damage, unless otherwise provided by law.

For the determination of civil liability when violating the sale and purchase contract, according to law, each juridical person must bear civil liability for the civil rights and obligations established and performed in the name of the juridical person by its representative. Each juridical person must bear civil liability by recourse to its property; shall not bear civil liability for its members with respect to civil obligations established and performed by such members not in the name of the juridical person, unless otherwise prescribed by law. A member of a juridical person shall not bear civil liability of the juridical person for the civil obligations established and performed by such juridical person, unless otherwise prescribed by law. Therefore, if the Seller breaches the contract, the legal entity being the Seller is responsible to pay the Buyer and the legal person is not responsible for that legal entity.

It is important to engage lawyers at an early stage of the dispute for consultation on effective dispute resolution. It is also advised, when entering into the Contract for purchase and sale of goods, the Seller needs to understand the basic legal provisions on its rights and obligations. The Buyer also needs to know clearly about the obligations of the Seller in order to be able to prevent the risk that arises when one of the parties breaches a fundamental contractual obligation.

ANT Lawyers in a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.


Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 2, 2019

Incorporation of CPTPP Agreement Relating to Origin Rules into Vietnam Laws

The CPTPP Agreement took effect in Vietnam as of January 14th, 2019 including 11 founding countries including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, New Zealand, Peru and Vietnam. On January 22nd, 2019, the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Circular No. 03/2019/TT-BCT (Circular 03) regulating rules of origin of goods in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to incorporate and implement the commitments of CPTPP.  These rules are important for investors whom are transitioning their factories and manufacturing sites from neighboring counties to Vietnam and set up company to obtain the certificate of origin from Vietnam.  However, the understanding of regulations of the circular and relating laws requires the consultation of international trade lawyers in Vietnam for application in particular cases.

Goods are treated as an originating goods if meeting the following requirements:
-Wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the Member States;
-Produced entirely from materials originating in the territory of one or more of the Member States; or
-Produced entirely in the territory of one or more of the Member States using non-originating materials provided that the goods satisfy all applicable requirements of Annex I attached to the Circular 03.
Moreover, CPTPP Agreement stipulates the origin rule for the Remanufactured Good and Sets of Goods, regulated in Article 7 and Article 20 of Circular 03 respectively.
-Regarding the Sets of Goods, the set is treated as originating if the value of all the non-originating goods in the set does not exceed 10% of the value of the set.
-Regarding the Remanufactured Good, Remanufactured Good are committed to treat as new goods at the same type. CPTPP also has very flexible rules regarding rules of origin for these Good: a recovered material derived in the territory of one or more of the Member States is treated as originating when it is used in the production of, and incorporated into, a Remanufactured Good.
Both CPTPP Agreement and Circular 03 (Article 14) also provide De Minimis regulations, which means that a goods that contains non-originating materials that do not satisfy the applicable change in tariff classification requirement for the good is nonetheless an originating good if the value of all those materials does not exceed 10% of the value of the goods.
In addition to Build-up Method and Build-down Method for calculating Regional Value Content (RVC) based on the value of originating and non-originating materials respectively, CPTPP also stipules Focused Value Method based on the value of specified non- originating materials and Net Cost Method for automotive goods only.
Relating to C/O granting, Vietnam shall use the mechanism of certification by competent authority for goods exported to other Member States. The time for implement the mechanism of self-certification of goods origin by exporters is carried out from 5 to 10 years under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The mechanism of Vietnamese importers self-certifying their origin is implemented after 5 years from the effective date of CPTPP. The procedures of certification and inspection of goods origin shall comply with the provisions of Decree No. 31/2018/ND-CP dated on March 8th, 2018 of the Government detailing the Law on Foreign Trade Management on goods origin and other related documents.

Lawyers at International Trade and Taxes practice of ANT Lawyers always follow the changes in law to update client for decision making process in investing and optimizing operations in Vietnam.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 1, 2019

Decision No. 33/QD-BCT of anti-dumping investigation for some products of aluminum, alloy or non-alloy originated from China (AD05).

On Jan 10th, 2019, Trade Remedies authority of Vietnam (Ministry of Industry and Trade) has promulgated Decision No. 33/QD-BCT on investigation into imposition of anti-dumping measures for some products of aluminum, alloy or non-alloy which are in bar, stick and shape form originated from China (Case number AD05).

Summary of the case:
The requesting party is four (04) shaped aluminum manufacturers representing the domestic industry, including AUSTDOOR ALUMINUM JOINT STOCK COMPANY, TUNG YANG COMPANY LIMITED, SONG HONG ALUMINUM JOINT STOCK COMPANY (SHALUMI) and MIENHUA GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY. 

Scope of investigation:
The imported products are alleged of dumping are some products of aluminum, alloy or non-alloy which are in bar, stick and shape form, with the HS codes of: 7604.10.10; 7604.10.90; 7604.21.90; 7604.29.10; 7604.29.90 from China. The investigating period to determine dumping behaviour is from Jan 1st to Dec 31st, 2018. The investigating period to determine the damages of the domestic manufacturing industry is from Jan 1st, 2015 to Dec 31st, 2018.

The alleged dumping margin:
Imported products from China subject to anti-dumping measures imposition investigation are alleged with specified dumping margins rate of 35,58%.
Damages and causal relation
The products alleged of dumping are considered the main cause of significant losses in the domestic manufacturing industry, reflected in the decline in the indexes such as utilization capacity, inventory, profit, and dynamic price, price pressure…
Registration for interested party
According to regulation of Article 74 of the current Law on Foreign Trade Management of Vietnam, Interested parties include:
-Overseas organizations and individuals that produce and export products under consideration to Vietnam;
-Importers of products under consideration;
-Foreign associations whose majority of members are organizations and individuals producing and exporting products under consideration;
-The Government and competent authorities of the exporting country of product under consideration;
-Organizations and individuals that submit the application for the trade remedies;
-Domestic producers of like products;
-Domestic associations whose majority of members are producers of like products;
-Other organizations and individuals that obtain legal rights and interests related to the investigated cases or facilitate the investigation or representative organizations of protection of customer rights.
As such, an organization or individual shall register and be approved by the investigating authority to become an interested party.
The organizations, individuals can register to be recorded as the related parties in this case with the Investigation Authority by the way sending the application according to the application form for the related party provided in Appendix No. 1 attached the Circular No.06/2018/TT-BCT. Deadline for registration of the interested party is before 5p.m on Feb 28th, 2019.
 The investigation questionnaire
Within 15 days after the issuance of the investigation decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade, the investigating authority shall send the investigation questionnaire to the following subjects:
-Producers of similar domestic goods;
-Foreign producers and exporters exporting goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing investigation into Vietnam which the investigating authority knows;
-The representative in Vietnam of the government of the country producing and exporting goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing investigations;
-Importers of goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing investigations;
-Other related parties.
Within 30 days after receiving the investigation questionnaires, the interested parties must provide written replies to all questions in the questionnaire. In case of necessity or there are written requests for extension with reasonable reasons from the interested parties, the investigating authority may extend the time limit but not more than 30 days.
Please be informed that the time limit for the anti-dumping measures imposition investigation shall be within 12 months from the day on which the decision on investigation is issued, with a possible extension up to 6 months if necessary. Interested parties could authorise law firm in Vietnam with international trade and anti-dumping specialization to respond to authorities in Vietnam.

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Decision No. 3877 On Investigation into Imposition of Anti-Dumping Measures For Products of Chinese and Korean origins (case No. AD04)

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has issued Decision no. 3877 to proceed the investigation on imposition of anti-dumping measure for some products from China and Korea under the case AD04. The first step for related party to participate into the investigation process is to register with Vietnam Competition Authority directly or through the assistance of a law firm with experience in anti-dumping procedures in Vietnam.
Pursuant to Article 70 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management on procedure for investigating the trade remedies case and Article 79 of Law on Foreign Trade Management on the basis of proceeding the anti-dumping investigation, the Vietnam Minister of Industry and Trade decided to conduct the anti-dumping measures imposition investigation according to the request of Investigation Authority relating to some flat-rolled alloy or non-alloy steel products, varnish painted or scanned or coated with plastics or other covers originated from China and Korea (case No. AD04).

The details of investigation are conducted pursuant to Article 80 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management on contents of an anti-dumping measures imposition investigation and Article 32 of the Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP on deciding to conduct anti-dumping measures imposition investigation.
Imported goods subject to investigation:
The imported goods subject to investigation are some flat-rolled alloy or non-alloy steel products, varnish painted or scanned or coated with plastics or other covers which are classified by HS Codes 7210.70.11, 7210.70.19, 7210.70.91, 7210.70.99, 7212.40.11, 7212.40.12, 7210.40.19, 7212.40.91, 7212.40.92, 7212.40.99 (the case No. AD04)
Origins of imported goods: China and South Korea
Domestic industry:
Trade name
Market share/ total market share (%)
Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company
The requesting party
Southern Steel Sheet Co., LTD
TVP Steel Joint Stock Company
Dai Thien Loc Corporation
Ton Dong A Corporation
Agreed the investigation and application of the anti-dumping measures
Maruichi Sun Steel Joint Stock Company
Hoa Sen Group
VN Steel Thang Long Coated Sheets Joint Stock Company
Blue Scope Steel
No opinion
Pursuant to the results of examination of request dossier and the sources of available information in pre-initiation stage, the Investigation Authority found out the evidence of: i) the dumping conducts relating to the goods originated from China and Korea; ii) the significant damages to the domestic industry; iii) the causal relationship between the dumping conducts and the significant damages to the domestic industry.
Consequently, the Investigation Authority recommended the Minister of Industry and Trade to proceed the investigation. The conclusion of preliminary conclusion and/or final conclusion investigation is basis of the Investigation Authority’s recommendation to the Minister of Industry and Trade on imposition or non-imposition of provisional and/or official anti-dumping measures.
Investigation period: The investigation period for determining of dumping: from 01 June, 2017 to 31 May, 2018.  The investigation period for local industry’s damages determination includes: The first year: from 01 June, 2014 to 31 May, 2015. The second year: from 01 June, 2015 to 31 May, 2016. The third year: from 01 June, 2016 to 31 May, 2017. The fourth year: from 01 June, 2017 to 31 May, 2018.
Proposal for tax duty of Requester:
The Requester proposed for investigating and imposing the provisional anti-dumping duty with 25.5% relating to the investigated import products from China and 19.25% relating to the investigated import products from Korea before the time the Ministry of Industry and Trade issues the official decision.
The individuals and organizations as stipulated in Article 74 of Law on Foreign Trade Management may register as a related party to Investigation Authority  to access the public information during the investigation, and to send the opinions, comments, information and evidences related to the investigation as mentioned herein.
Organizations and individuals shall prepare applications using the application form for registration as interested parties stated in the Appendix 01 attached to the Circular 06 and send to Investigation Authority no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date issuing the investigating decision.
Upon the receipt of applications for registration as related parties, the investigation authority shall consider whether a party is accepted as a related party or not within a period of 07 working days. If an application for registration as related party is refused, the Investigation Authority is required to explain such refusal in writing to the applicant.
The related parties under regulations of Article 79 the Law on Foreign Trade Management shall implement their rights and obligations under Article 9 of the Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP.
In order to ensure its lawful rights and benefits, the Investigation Authority recommends the individuals and organizations manufacturing, importing, using the investigated goods to register as a related party to perform information accessing right, to provide information and express opinions during the investigation procedure.
Questionnaire: Within 15 days since the issuance of the decision on investigation, the Investigation Authority shall send the questionnaire to seek answer to various subjects.
On-site Investigation: Pursuant to Article 75.3 of Law on Foreign Trade Management, the Investigation Authority shall be entitled to proceed the on-site investigation (if necessary), including overseas investigation to certify the information, dossiers provided by related party or to collect more information, dossiers for settlement of trade remedies case.
Confidential information: The Investigation Authority shall keep the investigation information confidential as stipulated in Article 75.2 of Law on Foreign Trade Management and Article 11 of Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP.
Cooperation during the investigation: In case any related party refuses to participate in the case or fails to provide necessary evidences or significantly disturbs the completion of the investigation, the preliminary conclusion and final conclusion relating to such related party shall be based on available information.
In case a related party provides false or misleading evidences, such evidences shall not be reviewed and the preliminary conclusion and final conclusion regarding such related party shall be based on available information.
Non-cooperating related parties shall not be exempted from trade remedies measures as prescribed in Article 7 of Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP.
The Investigation Authority recommends the related parties to comprehensively cooperate during the investigation to protect its legitimate rights and benefits.
Duration of investigation: Anti-dumping measures imposition investigation shall be completed within 12 months from the date on which the decision on anti-dumping measures imposition investigation is issued. In some special cases, the Minister of Industry and Trade may extent the duration for anti-dumping measures imposition investigation but the total duration shall not exceed 18 months.

Chinese and Korean origins (case No. AD04)

Decision No. 3877 On Investigation into Imposition of Anti-Dumping Measures For Products of The Ministry of Trade and Industry has issued Decision no. 3877 to proceed the investigation on imposition of anti-dumping measure for some products from China and Korea under the case AD04. The first step for related party to participate into the investigation process is to register with Vietnam Competition Authority directly or through the assistance of a law firm with experience in anti-dumping procedures in Vietnam.
Pursuant to Article 70 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management on procedure for investigating the trade remedies case and Article 79 of Law on Foreign Trade Management on the basis of proceeding the anti-dumping investigation, the Vietnam Minister of Industry and Trade decided to conduct the anti-dumping measures imposition investigation according to the request of Investigation Authority relating to some flat-rolled alloy or non-alloy steel products, varnish painted or scanned or coated with plastics or other covers originated from China and Korea (case No. AD04).

The details of investigation are conducted pursuant to Article 80 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management on contents of an anti-dumping measures imposition investigation and Article 32 of the Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP on deciding to conduct anti-dumping measures imposition investigation.
Imported goods subject to investigation:
The imported goods subject to investigation are some flat-rolled alloy or non-alloy steel products, varnish painted or scanned or coated with plastics or other covers which are classified by HS Codes 7210.70.11, 7210.70.19, 7210.70.91, 7210.70.99, 7212.40.11, 7212.40.12, 7210.40.19, 7212.40.91, 7212.40.92, 7212.40.99 (the case No. AD04)
Origins of imported goods: China and South Korea
Domestic industry:
Trade name
Market share/ total market share (%)
Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company
The requesting party
Southern Steel Sheet Co., LTD
TVP Steel Joint Stock Company
Dai Thien Loc Corporation
Ton Dong A Corporation
Agreed the investigation and application of the anti-dumping measures
Maruichi Sun Steel Joint Stock Company
Hoa Sen Group
VN Steel Thang Long Coated Sheets Joint Stock Company
Blue Scope Steel
No opinion
Pursuant to the results of examination of request dossier and the sources of available information in pre-initiation stage, the Investigation Authority found out the evidence of: i) the dumping conducts relating to the goods originated from China and Korea; ii) the significant damages to the domestic industry; iii) the causal relationship between the dumping conducts and the significant damages to the domestic industry.
Consequently, the Investigation Authority recommended the Minister of Industry and Trade to proceed the investigation. The conclusion of preliminary conclusion and/or final conclusion investigation is basis of the Investigation Authority’s recommendation to the Minister of Industry and Trade on imposition or non-imposition of provisional and/or official anti-dumping measures.
Investigation period: The investigation period for determining of dumping: from 01 June, 2017 to 31 May, 2018.  The investigation period for local industry’s damages determination includes: The first year: from 01 June, 2014 to 31 May, 2015. The second year: from 01 June, 2015 to 31 May, 2016. The third year: from 01 June, 2016 to 31 May, 2017. The fourth year: from 01 June, 2017 to 31 May, 2018.
Proposal for tax duty of Requester:
The Requester proposed for investigating and imposing the provisional anti-dumping duty with 25.5% relating to the investigated import products from China and 19.25% relating to the investigated import products from Korea before the time the Ministry of Industry and Trade issues the official decision.
The individuals and organizations as stipulated in Article 74 of Law on Foreign Trade Management may register as a related party to Investigation Authority  to access the public information during the investigation, and to send the opinions, comments, information and evidences related to the investigation as mentioned herein.
Organizations and individuals shall prepare applications using the application form for registration as interested parties stated in the Appendix 01 attached to the Circular 06 and send to Investigation Authority no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date issuing the investigating decision.
Upon the receipt of applications for registration as related parties, the investigation authority shall consider whether a party is accepted as a related party or not within a period of 07 working days. If an application for registration as related party is refused, the Investigation Authority is required to explain such refusal in writing to the applicant.
The related parties under regulations of Article 79 the Law on Foreign Trade Management shall implement their rights and obligations under Article 9 of the Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP.
In order to ensure its lawful rights and benefits, the Investigation Authority recommends the individuals and organizations manufacturing, importing, using the investigated goods to register as a related party to perform information accessing right, to provide information and express opinions during the investigation procedure.
Questionnaire: Within 15 days since the issuance of the decision on investigation, the Investigation Authority shall send the questionnaire to seek answer to various subjects.
On-site Investigation: Pursuant to Article 75.3 of Law on Foreign Trade Management, the Investigation Authority shall be entitled to proceed the on-site investigation (if necessary), including overseas investigation to certify the information, dossiers provided by related party or to collect more information, dossiers for settlement of trade remedies case.
Confidential information: The Investigation Authority shall keep the investigation information confidential as stipulated in Article 75.2 of Law on Foreign Trade Management and Article 11 of Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP.
Cooperation during the investigation: In case any related party refuses to participate in the case or fails to provide necessary evidences or significantly disturbs the completion of the investigation, the preliminary conclusion and final conclusion relating to such related party shall be based on available information.
In case a related party provides false or misleading evidences, such evidences shall not be reviewed and the preliminary conclusion and final conclusion regarding such related party shall be based on available information.
Non-cooperating related parties shall not be exempted from trade remedies measures as prescribed in Article 7 of Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP.
The Investigation Authority recommends the related parties to comprehensively cooperate during the investigation to protect its legitimate rights and benefits.
Duration of investigation: Anti-dumping measures imposition investigation shall be completed within 12 months from the date on which the decision on anti-dumping measures imposition investigation is issued. In some special cases, the Minister of Industry and Trade may extent the duration for anti-dumping measures imposition investigation but the total duration shall not exceed 18 months.

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 9, 2018

When Can the Buyer Suspends the Payment of the Goods Under International Sale Contract?

In the execution of sales of goods contract, there are cases in international trade that allow buyer suspend the payment of the value of the goods to the seller.
According to Article 51 Law on Commerce 2005, it is regulated that, unless otherwise agreed, the suspension of payment for goods is provided for as follows:
-The buyer that has proofs of deceit of the seller shall have the right to suspend the payment.
-The buyer that has proofs that the goods are subject to a dispute shall have the right to suspend the payment until the said dispute is settled.
-The buyer that has proofs that the seller has delivered goods which do not conform with the contract shall have the right to suspend the payment until the seller remedy such inconformity.

However, it is suggested that the buyer or the seller to consult with internationaltrade lawyers in Vietnam for specific situations in potential contract dispute to avoid breaching the agreements.

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 9, 2018

What International Laws in International Trade Vietnam is a Signing Party to?

International trade is important for each country to grow economically and influence through exchanging products and services, utilizing resources that create competitive advantage over others.  In order to enable international trade, Vietnam has been a signing party to a number of international laws, international conventions, free trade agreements.
Up to present, Vietnam is a signing party to the:
·         UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG);
·         The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP);
·         The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 1967;
Vietnam is also the signing party to a number of the Free Trade Agreements:
·         ASEAN Free Trade Area 1992;
·         ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA);
·         ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS);
·         ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism;
·         ASEAN-China Free Trade Area 2002;
·         ASEAN-India Free Trade Area 2003;
·         ASEAN-Japan Free Trade Area 2003;
·         ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area 2005;
·         Vietnam – Japan economic Partnership Agreement 2008;
·         ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement 2009;
·         Vietnam – Chile Free Trade Area 2011;
·         Vietnam – Korea Free Trade Area 2015;
·         Eurasian Economic Union 2015
·         ASEAN – Hong Kong free Trade Area 2017 (signed on 12/11/2017, Scheduled to be effective from 1 January 2019)
·         Agreements in WTO accession:
Annex 1A    Multilateral agreements on trade in goods
·         General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
·         Agreement on agriculture
·         Agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures
·         Agreement on textiles and clothing
·         Agreement on technical barriers to trade
·         Agreement on trade-related investment measures
·         Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
·         Agreement on implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
·         Agreement on pre-shipment inspection
·         Agreement on rules of origin
·         Agreement on import licensing procedures
·         Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures
·         Agreement on safeguards
·         Trade Facilitation Agreement
Annex 1B   General Agreement on Trade in Services
Annex 1C   Agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights
Until Sep 2018, Vietnam has been accelerating preparations for meeting commitments in EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).  It has been expected the EVFTA to be passed in the year of 2019, promoting Vietnam’s sustainable development through removing 99% of tariffs on goods traded between the two economies, expanding Vietnam’s textile, apparel export to the EU market.  In return, the EVFTA will open Vietnamese market for EU companies and strengthen the protection of its investment into Vietnam.
ANT Lawyers law firm is a member of legal secretary of EuroCham in Hanoi, Vietnam, and has been a contribution to the legal review that support the investment into Vietnam.  ANT Lawyers will be sending Mr Tuan Nguyen, the Managing Partner to take part in the EuroCham delegation visit in Brussels Mission in October 2018, with the main goal is to promote the fast conclusion of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement process, raise awareness as to the potential of Vietnam as a strategic partner for Europe, and deliver the views of the European business community in the country.