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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Anti-dumping case AS01. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Anti-dumping case AS01. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 2, 2022

Public Consultation on the Investigation of the Application of Anti-circumvention Measures Against a Cane Sugar Products

The Ministry of Industry and Trade hold a public consultation session on the investigation of the application of anti-circumvention measures against a number of cane sugar products (Case No.AC02. AD13-AS01) on March 09th, 2022 (Hanoi time), in the online platform.


On September 21st, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued the Decision No.2171/QD-BCT on the investigation of the application of anti-circumvention measures against a number of cane sugar products.

According to the regulation on Law on Foreign trade management, the related parties of the investigated case may send the investigating authority the information and opinions related to the cases in writing. The inspecting authority shall give an opportunity to interested parties for the consultation in case of the written request. Before the final determination of investigation is disclosed, the investigating authority can organize the public consultation in manner that interested parties can present information and opinions related to the case.

The related parties could register to take part in the public consultation and send the questions for the consultation before 17:00 on March 07th, 2022 (Hanoi time).

If Client needs any more information or request for legal advice or potential dispute regarding trade remedies measures including, anti-dumping, countervailing duty and safeguard measures or international trade dispute matters, our competition, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty lawyers in Vietnam of International trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam always follow up anti-dumping cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.


Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 12, 2021

Extension of Response for Cane Sugar Anti-Dumping Case

On September 21st, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 2171/QD-BCT on investigating the application of measures to prevent evasion of anti-dumping measures to a number of cane sugar products originating from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Myanmar.


Extension of Response for Foreign Manufacturers and Exporters and Domestic Manufacturers and Importers for Cane Sugar Anti-Dumping Case (Case No. AC02.AD13-AS01)

On October 25th, 2021, Department of Trade Remedies (Investigating Agency) announced on the issuance of the Investigation Questionnaire for Foreign Manufacturers and Exporters and Domestic Manufacturers and Importers (Case No. AC02.AD13-AS01).

During the process of receiving the Investigation Questionnaire, the Investigating Authority received requests to extend the time for answering the Investigation Questionnaire from the relevant parties. Therefore, on November 23rd, 2021, the Investigating Agency issued the announcement on agree to the extension. The Investigating Authority requires all relevant parties to cooperate and participate sufficiently during the investigation. The extent of the response will be the basis for the Investigating Authority to review and draw a conclusion of the investigation of this case. In the event that the Investigating Authority does not receive timely responses from relevant parties or the information provided is incorrect or incomplete, the Investigating Authority will use information and documents provided by related parties, the information and documents collected by the Investigating Authority or available information and documents for giving the result according to the regulation of Law on Foreign trade management.

The relevant parties must respond directly to Investigation Authority before 15:00 on December 16th, 2021 (Hanoi time).

The information, data provided in the Questionnaire of the Investigation Authority and the right to access the information of the case during the investigating term will be implemented in the regulations of the laws.

If Client needs any more information or request for legal advice or potential dispute regarding trade remedies measures including, anti-dumping, countervailing duty and safeguard measures or international trade dispute matters, our competition, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty lawyers in Vietnam of International trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam always follow up anti-dumping cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.